Monday, December 8, 2014

Half-Marathon #2!

Remember last year how I ran my first half-marathon (and almost died)? Well, I'm doing it again! For her birthday, my mom wanted to go run a half-marathon in Europe and had thought about running in Berlin, and I thought, "any excuse to go back!" and "I need to get in shape!" so I started training and ran my first half-marathon in May 2014. It didn't go very well, but I finished it and that's what counts. Today, I officially start training for this half-marathon.

Most training programs are only 12 weeks long, but I stretched mine out to 16 weeks, just to give myself a little more time to prepare, as I found 12 weeks was really hard on my body. I've been running with a friend since mid-September and we've been running 6 miles on average, so I definitely feel like this race will be a little easier.

I based my training off of Hal Higdon's Novice 2 half-marathon training, like last year, and simply added 4 weeks at the beginning.

34th annual Vattenfall Berlin Half-marathon 

I will be running the 35th annual Vatenfall Berliner Halbmarathon on March 29, 2015, in Berlin, Germany and you can't even imagine how excited I am! Here's what the course looks like; we will be running by some of the coolest monuments in Berlin, including the Brandenburg Gate (in the picture above), the Berlin Cathedral, Potsdamer Platz and even the famous TV Tower.

March 29th 2015, here I come!

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